The NZ Master Agent for Garlock
Manufactured in completely modernised facilities and certified to ISO 9001:2000 standards.
Industrial Gasket Solutions Ltd is the NZ master agent for the Garlock family of companies which are acknowledged as global leaders in hi-performance fluid sealing products for the world’s processing industries. Garlock’s 12 manufacturing facilities in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and Latin America collectively produce the broadest range of fluid sealing products designed specifically for industrial applications. Their testing facilities are the most extensive in the industry.
The demands of modern applications make the choice of the right sealing product an important consideration, both in the design of new equipment and in choosing the new products
which will replace those no longer suitable.

Garlock gasketing products are manufactured in completely modernised facilities. Tight quality controls are used to assure product conformance to specifications and uniformity that results in unvarying performance on the job. Garlock is certified to ISO 9001:2000 standards and is audited regularly (every 30 months).
Today’s environmental concerns demand positive seals. Garlock gaskets provide that assurance and perform with proven reliability. Whether your industry is chemical processing, hydrocarbon processing, power generation, pulp and paper, microelectronics or transportation, Garlock gasketing products are the logical choice.
Selecting gasketing materials for particular applications is not an easy task. The variables present in a flanged connection seem endless and yet all of them must be taken into consideration to assure a proper seal.
If you are unsure of the perfect gasket for your sealing issue, contact the friendly team at Industrial Gasket Solutions.
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